Second Chamber elections - July 3 1929

Party Abbr. Votes % +/- Seats
Roman Catholic State Party RKSP 1001589 29.64% +1.01% 30 0
Social Democratic Labour Party SDAP 804714 23.81% +0.91% 24 0
Antirevolutionary Party ARP 391832 11.59% -0.64% 12 -1
Christian-Historical Union CHU 354548 10.49% +0.59% 11 0
Liberal State Party "The Freedom League" LSP 249105 7.37% -1.36% 8 -1
Liberal Democratic League VDB 208979 6.18% +0.12% 7 0
Political Reformed Party SGP 76709 2.27% +0.24% 3 +1
Communist Party Holland CPH 67541 2.00% +0.81% 2 +1
  CPH-De Visser CPH 37678 1.11%
  CPH-Central Comittee (CPH-Wijnkoop) CPH-CC 29863 0.88%
Middle Party for City and Country MSL 39955 1.18% 1
Reformed State Party HGSP 35931 1.06% +0.08% 1 0
Rural League PB 34805 1.03% -0.39% 1 0
Roman Catholic People's Party RKVP 23804 0.70% -0.48% -1
Revolutionary Socialist Party RSP 21812 0.65% -0.15%
Federative Union FV 17509 0.52%
Christian Democratic Union CDU 12780 0.38% -0.07%
Democratic Party DP 9083 0.27% -0.09%
General Union for Small Shopkeepers KWM 4295 0.13%
National Farmer's League NB 4218 0.12%
Union of Nationalists VvN 3685 0.11%
Roman Catholic Farmer's Party 3369 0.10%
General Welfare Party 2256 0.07%
Social Democratic People's Party 2156 0.06%
Christian Labour Party 1724 0.05%
Van Nunen List 1133 0.03%
Party Against Forced Voting 1125 0.03%
Social Economic People's Party 940 0.03%
Head and Hand Labourers 845 0.03%
Party for the Handicapped 715 0.02%
Verwey List 623 0.02%
People's Party 449 0.01%
Voter's Assoc. for the Public Interest 417 0.01%
Neutral People's Party 342 0.01%
Siedenburg List 314 0.01%
Liberal Christian Party 103 0.00% 0.00%
International People's Party 98 0.00%
Total valid votes 3379503 100
Invalid votes/ % cast votes 162482 4.59% -0.07%
Cast votes/turnout 3541985 92.68% +1.33%
Eligible to vote 3821612 +7.86%
Electoral quota 33795.03

Number of votes per province (in Dutch)

Percentage votes per province (in Dutch)


  • The English names of the parties are unofficial. for the original Dutch names see the Dutch equivalent of this page.

  • Two rivaling CPH-lists were competing against each other, both lists won 1 seat. The sum of both lists is compared with the CPH results of 1925.

  • The RSP is a merger of RAC and SP. RSP results are compared with the sum of the results of both parties in 1925.

  • CDU is the successor party of the CDF. Results of the CDU are compared with the CDF results of 1925.

    Sources: Parlement & Kiezer Jaarboekje 1930/1931, J.A. Jungmann en F.K. van Iterson, 's-Gravenhage 1930 (stemmenaantallen), CBS Statline (people eligible to vote, invalid votes, number of votes) and Repertorium kleine politieke partijen 1918-1967 (relations between parties)