Second Chamber elections - April 26 1933

Party Abbr. Votes % +/- Seats
Roman Catholic State Party RKSP 1037364 27.87% -1.76% 28 -2
Social Democratic Labour Party SDAP 798632 21.46% -2.35% 22 -2
Antirevolutionary Party ARP 499892 13.43% +1.84% 14 +2
Christian-Historical Union CHU 339809 9.13% -1.36% 10 -1
Liberal State Party "The Freedom League" LSP 258732 6.95% -0.42% 7 -1
Liberal Democratic League VDB 188952 5.08% -1.11% 6 -1
Communist Party of the Netherlands CPN 118238 3.18% +1.18% 4 +2
Political Reformed Party SGP 93274 2.51% +0.24% 3 0
Revolutionary Socialist Party RSP 48405 1.30% +0.66% 1 +1
Dutch Farmer's and Middle Class' Party NBTMP 47688 1.28% +0.25% 1 0
Roman Catholic People's Party RKVP 40904 1.10% +0.39% 1 +1
Christian Democratic Union CDU 38464 1.03% +0.66% 1 +1
Reformed State Party HGSP 33930 0.91% -0.15% 1 0
Union for National Recovery VNH 30332 0.81% 1
Independent Socialist Party OSP 27470 0.74%
Catholic Democratic League KDB 20405 0.55%
General Dutch Fascist's League ANFB 17157 0.46%
General Democratic Union ADU 14567 0.39% +0.12%
Nat. Union for Duty. Discipline and Law NVPOR 11162 0.30%
Christian Labour Party CAP 6787 0.18% +0.13%
Union of Nationalists VvN 6449 0.17% +0.06%
Limburgian Federation 6358 0.17%
Roman Catholic Labour Party 6202 0.17%
Law and Freedom 4267 0.11%
Market Vendors 3184 0.09%
Wolswinkel List 3062 0.08%
Independent Businessmen 2422 0.07%
National Socialist Party 2127 0.06%
Dutch Fascist's Union 1771 0.05%
Jacobs List 1629 0.04%
Catholic Construction Workers 1330 0.04%
Eijking List 1180 0.03%
Trading Middle Class 1123 0.03% -0.10%
Dutch League of Tax Payers 940 0.03%
General Welfare Party 892 0.02% -0.04%
Head and Hand Labourers 763 0.02% 0.00%
New Socialist Party 746 0.02%
Engels List 725 0.02%
National Union for Labourer's Interests 551 0.01% 0.00%
For General Welfare 517 0.01%
De Wit List 510 0.01%
Bongers List 473 0.01%
Zuyder Zee Party 338 0.01%
General Dutch Tenant's Party 294 0.01%
Orange Fascists 261 0.01%
Universal Party 237 0.01%
National Labour Party 227 0.01%
Anti-Crisis Party 197 0.01%
Triesscheijn List 193 0.01%
Proletarian Group 185 0.00%
Central Democratic Labour Party 182 0.00%
Construction and Fraternization 142 0.00%
General Labour League 97 0.00%
Groothuis List 90 0.00%
Total valid votes 3721828 100
Invalid votes/ % cast votes 177827 4.56% -0.59%
Cast votes/turnout 3899655 94.50% -1.30%
Eligible to vote 4126490
Electoral quota 37218.28

Number of votes per province (in Dutch)

Percentage votes per province (in Dutch)


  • The English names of the parties are unofficial. for the original Dutch names see the Dutch equivalent of this page.

  • The Central Bureau of Statistics lists marginally different numbers of votes for some parties, the difference is never larger than a few dozen votes.

  • The NBTMP results are compared with the Rural League results of 1929.

  • The CPN results are compared with the sum of both CPH-lists of 1929

  • The ADU results are compared with the Democratic Party results of 1929.

  • The Trading Middle Class results are compared with the KWM results of 1929.

  • National Union for Labourer's Interests is the successor of the Neutral People's Party (1929).

    Sources: Statistisch overzicht verkiezingen 1933 Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal, Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, 's-Gravenhage 1935 (people eligible to vote, invalid votes), Parlement & Kiezer Jaarboekje 1934/1935, J.A. Jungmann en F.K. van Iterson, 's-Gravenhage 1934 (number of votes) en Repertorium kleine politieke partijen 1918-1967 (relations between parties)