Second Chamber elections - March 12 1959

Party Abbr. Votes % +/- Seats
Catholic People's Party KVP 1895914 31.60% -0.09% 49 0
Labour Party PvdA 1821285 30.36% -2.33% 48 -2
People's Party for Freedom and Democracy VVD 732658 12.21% +3.44% 19 +6
Antirevolutionary Party ARP 563091 9.39% -0.52% 14 -1
Christian-Historical Union CHU 486429 8.11% -0.32% 12 -1
Communist Party of the Netherlands CPN 144542 2.41% -2.34% 3 -4
Political Reformed Party SGP 129678 2.16% -0.10% 3 0
Pacifist-Socialist Party PSP 110499 1.84% 2
Reformed Political Union GPV 39972 0.67% +0.02%
Farmer's Party/Party for Agr. & Society BP/PLM 39423 0.66%
Bridge Group (Wagenaar Group) Bruggr. 34723 0.58%
Protestant Christian National Union PCNU 1317 0.02%
Total valid votes 5999531 150
Invalid votes/ % cast votes 143878 2.34% +0.26%
Cast votes/turnout 6143409 95.57% +0.07%
Eligible to vote 6427864 +4.94%
Electoral quota 39996.87

Number of votes per province (in Dutch)

Percentage of votes per province (in Dutch)


  • The English names of the parties are unofficial. for the original Dutch names see the Dutch equivalent of this page.

  • Early elections because of the fall of the Drees-IV cabinet over a taxation conflict.

  • GPV misses a seat by 25 votes.

    Sources: Statistiek der verkiezingen 1959 Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal, Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, Zeist 1959 (number of votes) and Repertorium kleine politieke partijen 1918-1967 (relations between parties)