Second Chamber elections - June 25 1952

Party Abbr. Votes % +/- Seats
Labour Party PvdA 1545867 28.97% +3.37% 30 +3
Catholic People's Party KVP 1529508 28.67% -2.37% 30 -2
Antirevolutionary Party ARP 603329 11.31% -1.90% 12 -1
Christian-Historical Union CHU 476195 8.92% -0.26% 9 0
People's Party for Freedom and Democracy VVD 471040 8.83% +0.88% 9 +1
Communist Party of the Netherlands CPN 328621 6.16% -8.98% 6 -2
Catholic National Party KNP 144520 2.71% +1.44% 2 +1
Political Reformed Party SGP 129081 2.42% +0.05% 2 0
Reformed Political Union GPV 35497 0.67%
Middle Class' Party MP 25127 0.47% -0.36%
Party for Right, Freedom and Welfare PRVW 18990 0.36%
Socialist Union SU 18010 0.34%
Young Conservative Union JCV 9960 0.19%
Total valid votes 5335745 100
Invalid votes/ % cast votes 165981 3.02% -0.06%
Cast votes/turnout 5501726 94.98% +1.30%
Eligible to vote 5792679 +6.61%
Electoral quota 53357.45

Number of votes per province (in Dutch)

Percentage of votes per province (in Dutch)


  • The English names of the parties are unofficial. for the original Dutch names see the Dutch equivalent of this page.

  • KNP results are compared with the 1948 Welter List results

    Sources: Statistiek der verkiezingen 1952 Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal, Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, Utrecht 1953 (number of votes) and Repertorium kleine politieke partijen 1918-1967 (relations between parties)