Second Chamber elections - May 16 1946

Party Abbr. Votes % +/- Seats
Catholic People's Party KVP 1466582 30.81% +1.96% 32 +1
Labour Party PvdA 1347940 28.31% -1.63% 29 -2
Antirevolutionary Party ARP 614201 12.90% -3.50% 13 -4
Communist Party of the Netherlands CPN 502963 10.56% +7.21% 10 +7
Christian-Historical Union CHU 373217 7.84% +0.38% 8 0
Freedom Party PvdV 305287 6.41% +2.46% 6 +2
Political Reformed Party SGP 101759 2.14% +0.20% 2 0
Protestant Union PU 32020 0.67% +0.07%
Dutch Bellamy Party Bellamy 11205 0.24%
Lopes List Lopes 5537 0.12%
Total valid votes 4760711 100
Invalid votes/ % cast votes 151304 3.08% -0.59%
Cast votes/turnout 4912015 93.10% -1.30%
Eligible to vote 5275888 +18.22%
Electoral quota 47607.11

Number of votes per province (in Dutch)

Percentage of votes per province (in Dutch)


  • The English names of the parties are unofficial. for the original Dutch names see the Dutch equivalent of this page.

  • ARP, CPN, CHU en SGP results are compared with the 1937 results

  • KVP results are compared with the 1937 RKSP results

  • PvdA is a merger of SDAP, VDB and CDU. PvdA Results are compared with the sum of the results of all three parties in 1937.

  • PvdV results are compared with the 1937 LSP results

  • PU results are compared with the 1937 HGSP results

  • The voting age is lowered from 25 to 23 years.

    Sources: Statistisch overzicht verkiezingen 1946 Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal, Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, 's-Gravenhage 1948 (number of votes) and Repertorium kleine politieke partijen 1918-1967 (relations between parties)