First Chamber elections - 26 May 2003

Eerste-Kamerverkiezingen - 29 mei 2007

Stemmen Stemgewicht CDA VVD PvdA SP CU GrLinks SGP PvdD D66 OSF
Groningen 43 133 5719 9 1197 5 665 12 1596 7 931 4 532 3 399 1 133 1 133 1 133 Groningen
Friesland 43 149 6407 12 1788 5 745 12 1788 4 596 3 447 2 298 5 745 Friesland
Drenthe 41 119 4879 10 1190 8 952 13 1547 5 595 3 357 2 238 Drenthe
Overijssel 47 238 11186 17 4046 6 1428 9 2142 6 1428 5 1190 2 476 2 476 Overijssel
Flevoland 39 96 3744 8 768 9 864 7 762 6 576 5 480 2 192 1 96 1 96 Flevoland
Gelderland 53 373 19769 15 5595 9 3357 10 3730 7 2611 4 1492 3 1119 3 1119 1 373 1 373 Gelderland
Utrecht 47 253 11891 11 2783 10 2530 8 2024 5 1265 4 1012 4 1012 1 253 2 506 2 506 Utrecht
N-Holland 54 475 25650 10 4750 11 5225 9 4275 13 6175 2 950 4 1900 2 950 2 950 1 475 N-Holland
Z-Holland 55 628 34540 13 8164 12 7536 10 6280 8 5024 4 2512 3 1884 2 1256 1 628 1 628 1 628 Z-Holland
Zeeland 39 98 3822 10 980 6 588 6 588 5 490 3 294 2 196 5 490 2 196 Zeeland
N-Brabant 55 440 24200 18 7920 11 4840 8 3520 12 5280 1 440 2 880 1 440 1 440 1 440 N-Brabant
Limburg 47 240 11280 18 4320 7 1680 8 1920 9 2160 2 480 1 240 1 240 1 240 Limburg
Nederland 563 289,7 163087 151 43501 101 31360 114 31032 83 25231 38 9706 31 9074 14 3690 10 3366 9 3270 12 2857 Nederland

The 75 members of the First Chamber (Senate) are elected by the members of the provincial legislatures for a four year term. First Chamber elections take place about two months after provincial elections.

Since smaller provinces have relatively large legislatures, the vote of every legislator is multiplied with a vote value, which depends on the number of inhabitants. The vote values range between 96 for Flevoland and 628 for Zuid-Holland. One Noord-Holland casted an invalid vote. Residual seats are assigned by a system of largest averages (D'Hondt). When lists are combined, they are regarded as a single list when residual seats are assigned.

The First Chamber can only pass or reject bills, not amend it. Bills are only discussed when the Second Chamber has already passed them. First Chamber membership is a part time job, usually one day a week.

The parties are the same as the ones in Second Chamber, except for the Onafhankelijke Senaatsfractie (OSF). This stands for Independent Senate Fraction, its member was elected by legislators who are members of regionalist parties, (regional) parties for the elderly, or independent lists.


Combined lists:

CDA, ChristenUnie & SGP

VVD, D66 & OSF

GroenLinks & PvdD

Deelnemende partijen, zetelverdeling:

CDA21 Christen-Democratisch Appèl
VVD14Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie
PvdA14Partij van de Arbeid
SP12 Socialistische Partij
GrLinks4 GroenLinks
SGP2Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij
LPF1Partij voor de Dieren
D662Democraten 66
OSF1Onafhankelijke Senaatsfractie